A warranty label or warranty certificate is a sign that guarantees the quality and reliability of the goods or services provided by the seller. This label assures customers that the product or service they purchase meets certain standards in terms of quality, safety, and performance. The guarantee label is usually issued by organizations or trade associations, standards bodies and independent verifiers. Some of the most famous guarantee labels are: ISO 9001 for quality management system, CE for compliance with European Union standards and UL for electronic safety certification.
So, in general, in response to the question “What is a warranty label?”, it can be said that the warranty label indicates quality and guarantee. But it should be noted that some labels may have been used only as a marketing tool and do not show the real quality and performance of the product.
Warranty label applications
Every product that is produced has this label. It is used in two ways:
Shopping guide
This label helps customers to distinguish quality products and services from the available options. With this label, customers are assured that the product or service they purchase meets certain and acceptable standards in terms of quality and performance.
Protection of customer rights
If there is a problem with the product or service provided, the warranty label assures the customer that the seller is responsible for fixing the problem and guaranteeing customer satisfaction. If a problem occurs during the warranty period, customers can use the after-sales service and claim their rights through it.
Overall, this product gives customers more confidence in purchasing products and services and helps sellers improve their marketing and sales.
Warranty labels provide customers with information about security seals such as container seals, plastic seals, ear seals, etc., and prevent fraud, tampering, and tampering with the product.
Types of warranty label designs
This product can be in the form of a text that is placed in the product packaging. This type of label determines the terms and duration of the warranty. They can also be in the form of special symbols and signs that show customers that the product in question is guaranteed. These symbols and signs can be pictures, logos, writing, and specific descriptions that inform customers that the product or service they are purchasing has a warranty.
You can order the types of labels you want from Dayan Imen Pishro by calling 021441378000.
Types of warranty labels
This product has different types and is one of the types of security seals. One of the best-selling seals is the meter seal, which you can buy from reputable companies and sites if needed. In the following, we will discuss three models of warranty labels.
label weed
Vide label is a type of warranty label that is placed on the product packaging. This label includes a QR code that customers can scan to access a video explaining the product warranty. In this label, the terms and duration of the warranty, the conditions for the correct use of the product and the instructions for use in case of failure or technical problem are mentioned. By providing accurate and comprehensive warranty information, LabelWide helps customers get the most out of their product and easily contact the manufacturer if they need after-sales service.
Crushable label
Crushable label is a type of label that can be crushed and decomposed. This type is usually placed on the packaging of the products, and if the package needs to be opened, the customer can tear the label and read the required instructions. This type is used as a security tool to detect any attempt to open or tamper with the product packaging.
Hologram label
Hologram label is another type of label that is created using holographic technology. This hologram property is to prevent fraud and imitation; Because the changes in the color and shape of the hologram make the authenticity and security of the product recognizable. The hologram label is commonly used as a security label on the packaging of luxury products, credit cards, electronic products, etc.
Types of warranty label colors
One color warranty label
It means that a specific color was used to print the label. These types of labels are usually used if there is only a need to show the authenticity of the product and guarantee the quality. Examples of this type of labels are: simple warranty labels with the text “Original” or “Guaranteed”.
Multi-color warranty label
It means using several colors in label design and printing. These types of labels are usually used if, in addition to showing authenticity and guaranteeing quality, there is a need to draw attention and create more attractiveness. Examples of this type of labels are: warranty labels with 3D hologram designs and changing color with movement.