The bags and nylons that used to be tied with thread or elastic were often manipulated and penetrated by the offenders, and the volume of the material inside the bag was reduced or its quality was affected.
Now, with the security seal, these concerns have been resolved to a large extent, and by using seals with serial numbers, it can be ensured that there is no longer any possibility of tampering with the contents of the bag.
Bags and nylons are often sealed by a belt seal, but a mouse tail seal or a bead seal can also be used for this purpose.
Of course, according to the tensile strength of the belt seal for gathering the head of the bag and nylon, this seal can be a more suitable proposal, because this seal has a higher tensile strength and does not tear during pulling.
At the same time, the plastic spikes behind the sealing belt go inside the bag and give higher security to the sealing operation. Money bags, bags containing postal documents and documents, nylons containing important and expensive materials, food bags, all with plastic seals. It can reach its destination more safely, and in fact, the most used security seals for these cases are plastic seals.
The seal belt is wrapped around the bag and by passing the belt through the seal lock and pulling it, the bag and nylon are fully retracted and the seal operation is complete. and will be easily recognizable.
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